As a Master of Novices at the Abbey of Gethsemani , Thomas Merton taught a way of praying that urged the new monks to take in the daily events of their lives as God’s “words”. He commended to them the habit of meditating on their experiences as well as Scripture and the Liturgy.
Join us on Zoom for a 6 week Contemplative journey during Lent and Holy Week following the spirit of Thomas Merton’s approach to prayer and contemplation. Weekly workshops will be based on the study guide, “Bridges to Contemplative Living Lent and Holy Week”, published by the Thomas Merton Institute for Contemplative Living.
Sessions will share the writings of Thomas Merton and
contemporary Contemplative writers from various religious traditions, addressing select themes that echo one another. Questions will be used to begin a process of self-exploration and personal sharing. Insights will be incorporated into our lives during the period between sessions and then shared at the start of the next meeting.
The methods of Contemplative Sharing and Spiritual Journaling will be discussed at the beginning of the workshop. Periods of silence will be an integral part of each session.
Cost : $75.00 or $50.00
Tricia Knight-Bellisle is a student of Centering prayer and learned the technique from a student of Basil Pennington. She practiced Zen meditation for eight years at the New Haven Zen Center. Tricia is also a Reiki practitioner. After retiring from the fulltime practice of law, she joined the internship program at the Spiritual Life Center and became a certified spiritual director in 2018. She has practiced individual spiritual direction and facilitated groups since. One of her interests has been The Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton program and she has facilitated groups through all eight Bridges books, plus the seasonal Lent and Advent books. Tricia has advanced training in Ignatian Spirituality and is a certified presenter of Centering Prayer. She serves on the Coordinating Team of Connecticut Contemplative Outreach and the Advisory Committee for the Christian Contemplative Experience program at Holy Family Monastery. Her greatest joy is when people discover that they can be contemplative in everyday life.
Physical Address:76 Sherman St
Hartford, CT 06105
Mailing Address: 77 Sherman St
Hartford, CT 06105
Suggested Contribution $45 - $125
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