Stories are told in many ways. We listen, watch, taste, move,
whatever the medium may be. We connect through story
and share moments, events. awakenings…When all is said and
done, how do we find our own story and know it isn’t an
excuse, a tall tale, or even a piece of imposter syndrome?
How do we find the sacred in our story and nurture that
within us and within our lives?
We begin with the basics of Story and turn back the clock to a
more open and simple way of looking at the world - we allow
nature to inform us. Through a series of exercises during this
eight week program, we will find the places where our stories
connect and these intersections will foster the tending and
growth of our story.
Memories sometimes make great material for Story. We may
remember events as if we were watching a moving picture.
Other times we may have sense memory and use that in how
we bring the story together. As we touch and feel our memory
we find ourselves reconnecting with the moment, the
environment, and our own view of events.
Here, the honest appreciation of the story and the connection
to the divine within it, brings us to a new awareness of the
sacred. We incorporate this almost without acknowledgement.
So here we bring focus to that flow of the sacred within our lives
and how it presents in our story.
Come, let us explore and discover the sacred within every story.
Cost: $90 or $70 for all 8 sessions.
Steven Ferreira: Steve works with Story and personal myth. The voyage of discovery has led him to bring Story to gatherings, to teach Story classes, and to invite people to mine the stories told. His ability to see the multicolored threads that were woven between stories from around the world gifted him the name Rainbow Vision.
Resa Ferreira: Is a student of resonance and how we live it. The widening pool of hope and love within her life opened further with storytelling, sound healing, and the realization that everything in our natural world has a resonant signature. Resa is committed to exploring this symphony. She continues to dream of creating a Resonant Choir, with those who have claimed their Resonant Signature, sounding in the midst of a Vermont forest.
Physical Address:76 Sherman St
Hartford, CT 06105
Mailing Address: 77 Sherman St
Hartford, CT 06105
Suggested Contribution $45 - $125
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