This poem by Polly Castor found me during the quiet time between ending my communications job and stepping into this role as Executive Leader. It spoke to me with the ringing voice of Spirit and made me laugh in recognition and deep gratitude for its gift.
“In this
waiting place
we loiter, hover,
on a tentative cusp,
a threshold,
between the familiar
and the unknown
with no possible retreat…”
I’ve spent the time in this “waiting place” celebrating love and weddings, savoring time with family, and experiencing Holy in new and delightful ways. I’ve felt deeply held in the “both/and” of the sure clarity of God’s calling me to this role, with the anxiety and humility of saying “Yes!”
“The customary comfort zone
is gone, and where
the entrance ushers
is not yet seen.
Our new question
(let alone its answer)
still is ambiguous.
We are in limbo.
We can either hesitate
or go forward…”
As I sat with this poem more deeply, I realized our community at the Spiritual Life Center is also in this liminal space. New leadership, shifting staff roles, welcoming new interns to the craft of spiritual companionship, partnership with Hartford International University, and ushering in a new decade of sharing and supporting spiritual seekers and companions. God knows where we will be led. God knows.
“The gossamer veil
of divine nearness
flutters ever so lightly,
breathing inseparably close,
as we step to embrace
the unrevealed with trust,
a shimmering opportunity
for connection and listening
and being led right on through.
Lean into this portal;
it is the doorstep
to fruitful ground.”
Yet, we also stand on solid and familiar ground. The Spiritual Life Center has a strong foundation built over 40 years of wisdom teaching, noticing Holy and holding each other as we move through all the changes 40 years bring. What might we discover as we pass over this new threshold? What do you envision? What might be revealed as we listen with our hearts open to the Holy?
So, I invite you to lean into this portal with me. Let’s begin as we always do, by listening deeply to one another, noticing the thread of Spirit guiding our way. In the coming weeks, you’ll hear about a series of Community Conversations where we will gather to share ideas, ask questions, and be together as Anam Cara.
I am so grateful to be stepping over this threshold with you.
Physical Address:76 Sherman St
Hartford, CT 06105
Mailing Address: 77 Sherman St
Hartford, CT 06105
Suggested Contribution $45 - $125
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