Spiritual Companion
Internship Team Partner
Donna Dellacamera is a Spiritual Director/Companion, a graduate of SLC Internship program and recently completed training as a supervisor. She is also a member of the Center for Action and Contemplation's Living School Community and considers herself a contemplative Christian, but is open to all traditions. She is a lifelong seeker and views the CAC and SLC experiences as instrumental in the development of her deep, spacious, and all-inclusive view of spirituality.
She is a facilitator for Walking with Grief, a caring circle for those experiencing loss, and as a bereaved parent, feels called and blessed to offer compassionate support to others on their own unique grief journey.
A retired nurse, she is a volunteer instructor with Farmington Valley Health District, and enjoys writing, quilting, and gardening. Her love of natures and creation has been a source of healing and connection.
She lives in Unionville CT with her husband John Paule and their cat MIA
Physical Address:76 Sherman St
Hartford, CT 06105
Mailing Address: 77 Sherman St
Hartford, CT 06105
Suggested Contribution $45 - $125
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