Learn to Discern: How to Make Wise Decisions.

Mondays 1/27, 2/10, 2/24, 3/10

1Pm - 2:30Pm

Via Zoom with Oscar Brockmeyer

We all face a number of important decisions that affect the course of our lives. Discernment is a time-honored spiritual practice that helps us listen to the Divine and to our hearts as we explore choices we might


Hartford International University and the Spiritual Life Center ( located at 76 Sherman st) will once again partner to offer the four-session online program called “Learn to Discern”. This program introduces you to the process of discernment and helps you to apply it to decisions you may face. The program will cover topics such as :

● Forming the question to be discerned

● Using helpful prayer practices

● Dimensions of human experience to consider

● How temperament, values and principles can guide us

● Making a wise choice and implementing it

As part of our partnership with Hartford International University, the program is offered free to current students of HIU. The cost for others is $175

Click here to register

A recent class participant had this to say:

"By means of 'Learn to Discern' I discovered how to differentiate between various voices within myself, including those of ego, intuition, and spiritual guidance. I gained the ability to make better, more spiritually- grounded decisions in my life.

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