Advent Morning Prayer - A Time of Community

Tuesday and Friday Mornings 12/3 - 12/20

8:00zM - 8:30PM Via Zoom with Lisa Hudkins, Michael Lonergan, and Kelly Mehiel

Advent is the season when we take time to anticipate the coming of the Christ Child on December 25. It is a time of hope, love, and joy.  We will meet on Zoom, Tuesday and Friday mornings at 8:00 am, beginning on 12/3 and ending on 12/20

Our morning time together will be contemplative in nature using image of Advent through Lectio Divina, Visual Divina, and common prayer. We will incorporate time to share what these experiences meant to us at the end of each prayer time. Come oin us as we pray our way through this sacred time.

Tiered pricing: $30, $25, $15

Click here to register

Lisa Hudkins is a member of the Internship Teaching team, a Spiritual Director, and Supervisor.

Michael Lonergan is a Spiritual Director, and author of the book Spiritual Mike.

Kelly Mehiel is a Spiritual Director, a Supervisor, and a partner in the Internship Program.

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